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SF-Caravan Rekiniemi

SF-Caravan Rekiniemi in Lieksa, Vuonislahti village

The Re­ki­nie­mi ca­ra­van area lo­ca­ted in Vuo­nis­lah­ti, Liek­sa, is si­tua­ted bet­ween La­ke Pie­li­nen and La­ke Jau­hiai­nen, in a na­tu­ral­ly beau­ti­ful and tran­quil en­vi­ron­ment by the la­ke­si­de. The area is woo­ded and mul­ti-le­vel. Re­ki­nie­mi of­fers ba­sic ame­ni­ties and app­ro­xi­ma­te­ly 100 elect­ri­cal hoo­kup si­tes.

The Rekiniemi caravan area is open year-round. During the summer season, from June 1st to August 31st, there is a reception service, and at other times, it is available for self-service with instructions posted on the campsite office door.

The area includes a campsite office, service building, showers, toilets (including accessible toilets and showers), a drainage well, chemical toilet disposal, a grill/cooking area, and a sauna (with a lift for accessibility). A public sauna session is included in the price. There is also a heated cabin/lounge area.

Available for use are 5 boats, 2 pedal boats, 2 SUP boards, and 4 pedal cars. A fishing permit is available for daily visitors. Pets are allowed at Rekiniemi but must always be kept on a leash. During the summer, there is a kiosk shop. Rekiniemi is part of the Caravan Huiput network.

Rekiniemi is a great base for exploring the area. Services in Vuonislahti (including Wanhan Koulun Puoti and café) are about 1 km away, Kestikievari Herraniemi is just 0.5 km away, and Paateri is around 11 km away. There is a boat connection across Lake Pielinen to Koli, and Patvinsuon National Park and Ruunaan hiking area are both less than an hour’s drive away.

Matkailuvaunuja Rekiniemessä
Rekiniemen kokoontumistila
Lasten keinuja Rekiniemessä
Rekiniemen huoltorakennus

Contact information

Rekiniemi 4, 81590 Vuonislahti

040 702 5745 (summer time)

SF-Caravan Rekiniemi company services