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Snowmobiling in Koli

Attraction of speed 1,800 kilometres

Snowmobiling is an exciting and fast-paced winter sport that offers fantastic experiences in snowy landscapes. Snowmobiling is a popular hobby that appeals to both beginners and experienced riders. Snowmobiles allow for rapid travel on snow, and their agile maneuverability makes it a fun and adrenaline-filled activity.

Koli and North Karelia provide perfect conditions for snow-mobilers: hilly country, lots of snow, and good food. Koli is linked to the regional snow-mobile network, with 1800 kms of trails available. So if you’re fit enough and have the time you could spend a whole week on the trails. Or alternatively just a couple of hours, with or without a guide.

Guided snowmobile tours in Ruunaa by Ruunaan Matkailu.

Interested in snowmobile tours in Koli? Contact us at:

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