“Come in and warm up, there’s no rush here, come and let´s have a chat. Welcome. Step into the house. I’ve made some pies. Take some, take some. Do they taste good? Have some more.”
Hearing these words, the guest has already experienced a touch of Karelian hospitality, which leads to tables full with food. The guest is received warmly and treated like a family member.

One important hallmark of Karelian hospitality is the significant role of food and coffee culture. Karelian culinary tradition values and utilizes nature’s products -mushrooms, berries, fish, and meat- in cooking. These treasures are transformed into mouth-watering dishes, traditionally baked or stewed in the oven. These flavors leave an everlasting taste memory for those who sample these delicacies. One must not forget the savory and sweet pastries that make the coffee tables groan. Buns, cakes, Karelian pasties, and traditional bread loaves, including rye bread, are essential parts of the food culture that keep guests satisfied and full for a long time.
Lively conversation is also a part of Karelian hospitality. Karelians and their descendants are often talkative, with stories flowing on any topic. Soon, the guest will find themselves sharing their entire story without even noticing. Such conversations may also lead the guest to the sauna, where any worries are steamed away in the heat of the sauna, and one returns to the outside world with a lighter soul.

The tradition of Karelian hospitality spread throughout the country with the Karelian evacuees, but it is particularly alive and well in North Karelia. Traditions and customs have changed over time, yet they remain a strong part of the identity of Karelian descendants and their heartfelt way of interacting with people.
If you get in touch with Karelian hospitality, you never know where the journey will take you. Wherever it leads, you will never forget the experience. The cheerful, talkative, and generous Karelians will stay in your heart forever.